Accreditations and Achievements

The Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions (CBAHI)

Al-Khafji National Hospital got the accreditation of The Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions in Re-accreditation 2021 The Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions is the official authority authorized to grant accreditation certifications to all healthcare facilities operating in the public and private sectors in Saudi Arabia. The main tasks of the Central Board are to establish standards for the quality of healthcare and patient’s safety by which all healthcare facilities are evaluated to demonstrate compliance with these standards.

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Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Food safety is a global concern, however, Al-Khafji National Hospital has obtained HACCP accreditation that seeks to develop food safety management systems to manage and ensure the safety and suitability of foodstuffs. Food safety is not only important for public health but also for its impact on the international market. HACCP focuses on ensuring food safety by identifying, assessing, and monitoring risks that may have a negative impact on safety during: Preparation, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution, handling or offering and presentation in any part of the food chain. This is what was accredited at The National Hospital in terms of preparing and serving meals for patients to ensure everything from preparation to presentation.

Joint Commission International (JCI)

Al-Khafji National Hospital has obtained a JCI Re-accreditation of health services in 2021 and with this certificate the hospital achieved a new distinction and achievement at the level of medical care facilities, this demonstrates a serious commitment to quality standards and to the application of international standards and specifications. Al-Khafji National Hospital is keen to provide a large number of high-quality services that comply with the recommendations of international organizations and that meet the aspirations and desires of our reviewers. And because we’re always keen on the safety of our customers, we’re committed to applying the same highest sterilization and infection control methods approved within the Kingdom and at the level of the best hospitals worldwide. Our first goal at Al-Khafji National Hospital is to provide the best and safest ways of care and safety within the framework of international standards.

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That testimony came to crown the efforts of all workers who have dedicated themselves to serving patients in a manner that preserves them to their most precious possession, which is their health. JCI follows very strict procedures for monitoring and evaluation before granting that certificate to any health facility. It also relies on measuring the level of satisfaction of reviewers for the services provided in terms of quality, availability around the clock and the rights of patients in addition to the availability of the necessary procedures to ensure the speed and quality of service and providing them in line with achieving the international goals of patient safety, and also to verify the existence of rehabilitation and training programs for all medical and technical cadres periodically to develop performance while assessing the level of technical development and what has been secured of medical devices in line with the latest medical technologies.